Bridge Back to Life centers provide addiction and counseling services. While addiction is the primary issue, they also assist clients with co-occuring mental health concerns. They also offer groups specifically for the LGBTQ community.


Bridge Back to Life centers provide addiction and counseling services. While addiction is the primary issue, they also assist clients with co-occuring mental health concerns. They also offer groups specifically for the LGBTQ community.


Oasis Community Pride Center offers free HIV testing and treatment, free STI testing, and group support for individuals with HIV, parents of LGBTQ+ children, and substance dependence.

Eligibility: All LGBT members of the Latino community, regardless of legal status.


The Center is dedicated to empowering LGBT people and building a strong community. They offer substance use treatment for adults and youth, recovery support, and counseling services for a range of mental health issues including anxiety, depression, bereavement, eating disorders, and self-harming behavior.


North Central Bronx Hospital offers a variety of services for people with mental health or substance abuse disorders. Their Adult Outpatient program serves people age 18 and older "that have psychiatric or emotional problems which get in the way of daily functioning."

Eligibility: Open to all residents of the Bronx, regardless of their ability to pay or their immigration status.

Offer medical interpretrs in more than 150 languages.

NYC Care is a health care access program that guarantees low-cost and no-cost services at NYC Health + Hospitals to New Yorkers who do not qualify for or cannot afford health insurance. Through this program, you receive a membership card that allows you access healthcare at NYC Health + Hospitals across the city, choose your own primary care provider, receive preventative care (vaccinations, routine screenings, mammograms), and mental health support.

Eligibility: Accepts all immigrants, does not require insurance. They do not keep a record of information regarding your immigration status.

Offer interpretation services in 250 languages and dialects

Free 24/7 hotline for individuals and family members facing substance abuse and mental health issues.

Eligibility: Everyone anywhere in the U.S.
